Title: | Enable Cross-Study Analysis of 'CDISC' 'SEND' Datasets |
Description: | A system enables cross study Analysis by extracting and filtering study data for control animals from 'CDISC' 'SEND' Study Repository. These data types are supported: Body Weights, Laboratory test results and Microscopic findings. These database types are supported: 'SQLite' and 'Oracle'. |
Authors: | Bo Larsen [aut], Yousuf Ali [aut], Kevin Snyder [aut], William Houser [aut], Brianna Paisley [aut], Cmsabbir Ahmed [aut], Susan Butler [aut], Michael Rosentreter [aut], Michael Denieu [aut], Wenxian Wang [cre, aut], BioCelerate [cph] |
Maintainer: | Wenxian Wang <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.0.2 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 19:29:07 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/phuse-org/sendigr |
Create a set of indexes on the tables in a SEND database to optimize performance of extraction of data from the different functions in the package.
dbCreateIndexes(dbToken, replaceExisting = FALSE)
dbCreateIndexes(dbToken, replaceExisting = FALSE)
dbToken |
Mandatory |
replaceExisting |
Mandatory, character |
All the indexes are named <domain name>_sendigr_<nn>
- .e.g.
If any additional indexes are manually created in the database, avoid to
include 'sendigr' in the name, because all existing indexes with that
included in the name will be initially deleted when execution the function
with replaceExisting = TRUE
It's recommended to wait with the creation of the indexes until the major
amount of studies to be loaded in to the database are loaded.
Databases supported are SQLite and PostgreSQL, the checkDbType function makes sure one of those types are used
No return value, called for side effects
## Not run: createAllIndexes(myDbToken) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: createAllIndexes(myDbToken) ## End(Not run)
Create all the domains and variables which are described in the SEND IG versions 3.0 and 3.1 in the database - i.e. a union of domains from the SEND IG versions and in each domain a union of variables from the SEND IG versions.
dbToken |
Mandatory |
Databases supported are SQLite and PostgreSQL, the checkDbType function makes sure one of those types are used
No return value, called for side effects
## Not run: # Create an empty SQLite database and create the SEND schema myDbToken <- initEnvironment(dbType = 'sqlite', dbPath ='/mydatapath/db/send.db', dbCreate = TRUE) dbCreateSchema(myDbToken) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Create an empty SQLite database and create the SEND schema myDbToken <- initEnvironment(dbType = 'sqlite', dbPath ='/mydatapath/db/send.db', dbCreate = TRUE) dbCreateSchema(myDbToken) ## End(Not run)
Deletes data from all domains for one or more studies in a SEND database
dbDeleteStudies(dbToken, studyIdList)
dbDeleteStudies(dbToken, studyIdList)
dbToken |
Mandatory |
studyIdList |
Mandatory, character |
Databases supported are SQLite and PostgreSQL, the checkDbType function makes sure one of those types are used
No return value, called for side effects
## Not run: # delete one study dbDeleteStudies(myDbToken, '122312') # delete multiple studies dbDeleteStudies(myDbToken, list('122312', '552343', '0942347')) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # delete one study dbDeleteStudies(myDbToken, '122312') # delete multiple studies dbDeleteStudies(myDbToken, list('122312', '552343', '0942347')) ## End(Not run)
Check each of the SAS xpt file located in the specified folder - import content from file and load it into the corresponding SEND domain table in the open database.
dbImportOneStudy(dbToken, xptPath, overWrite = FALSE, checkRequiredVars = TRUE)
dbImportOneStudy(dbToken, xptPath, overWrite = FALSE, checkRequiredVars = TRUE)
dbToken |
Mandatory |
xptPath |
Mandatory, character |
overWrite |
Mandatory, boolean |
checkRequiredVars |
Mandatory, boolean |
These requirements to the content of the folder must be fulfilled:
The folder must contain some SAS xport files named
[send domain].xpt
- the case of the file names doesn't care
A minimum set of required domain files must be included:
, tx.xpt
, dm.xpt
Each xpt file must contain one data table with same name as the file name - i.e. a send domain name.
Each xpt file must contain a non-empty STUDYID value in each row equal to the value of TS.STUDYID.
Each xpt file must contain a set of required column(s).
In general it's (where relevant for the different kinds of domains):STUDYID, DOMAIN, --SEQ, USUBJID, --TESTCD, --TEST,--ORRES, --ORRESU,
The DOMAIN variable must contain the name of the actual domain in all rows
The last two requirements are checked for the required domains in all cases.
For other domains, these two requirements are only checked if parameter
checkRequiredVars = TRUE
If an error is detected, the import and load of data is canceled, and further
execution is aborted (i.e. error message is written to the console).
These error situations are checked and reported:
Any of the requirements 1 to 3 are not fulfilled or any of the following requirements are not fulfilled for one of the required domains
A study with the same value if STUDYID exists in the database and
parameter overWrite = FALSE
If one of the requirements 4 to 6 are not fulfilled for a not-required
domain, this domain is excluded from the import. These kinds of issues are
reported as one warning message to the console when data has been loaded.
Some non-critical issues, which doesn't prohibit data to be loaded to the
database may be detected. These are reported as one warning message to the
console when data has been loaded (together with eventual warning messages
for skipped domains).
These non-critical issues are checked and reported:
The study folder contains one or more xpt file(s) with names(s) not
matching SEND domain name(s).
Such files are ignored by the import/load process.
An imported data tables contains one or more column(s) which do(es)n't exist(s) in the corresponding domain.
Databases supported are SQLite and PostgreSQL, the checkDbType function makes sure one of those types are used
No return value, called for side effects
## Not run: # Do not overwrite if study already exists in the database dbImportOneStudy(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies/1213443') # Allow to overwrite data if study already exists in the database dbImportOneStudy(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies/786756', overwrite = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Do not overwrite if study already exists in the database dbImportOneStudy(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies/1213443') # Allow to overwrite data if study already exists in the database dbImportOneStudy(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies/786756', overwrite = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
For each non-empty folder below the specified root folder, the actions to import a set of SAS xpt files into the opened SQLlite database described for function dbImportOneStudy.
dbImportStudies( dbToken, xptPathRoot, overWrite = FALSE, checkRequiredVars = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, logFilePath = NULL )
dbImportStudies( dbToken, xptPathRoot, overWrite = FALSE, checkRequiredVars = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, logFilePath = NULL )
dbToken |
Mandatory |
xptPathRoot |
Mandatory, character |
overWrite |
Mandatory, boolean |
checkRequiredVars |
Mandatory, boolean |
verbose |
Mandatory, boolean |
logFilePath |
Optional, character |
The status for the processing of each sub folder is caught and returned as
described below.
If parameter verbose = TRUE
, the status for each processed sub folder
is also printed to the console each time a sub folder has been processed -
i.e. it's possible to followed the progress of the import process.
If parameter logFilePath
has been specified with an existing path to a
folder, the status for each processed sub folder is also printed to a log
file in this folder each time a sub folder has been processed.
Databases supported are SQLite and PostgreSQL, the checkDbType function makes sure one of those types are used
A list containing a named element with the import status for each
of the processed sub folders.
Each of the statuses are one of three variants:
'OK' - the SAS xport files has been imported to the database with no errors or warnings
'Warning: [list of warnings]' - the SAS xport files has been imported to the database but have one or more warnings
'Cancelled: [error message]' - the SAS xport files have not been imported to the database because an error has been detected.
## Not run: # Import studies from a set of folders - do not allow to overwrite # existing study data in the database, follow the progress dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies', verbose = TRUE) # Import studies from another set of folders - allow to overwrite existing # study data in the database dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/project123/studies', overwrite = TRUE) # Import studies from a set of folders , save the status of each study load # in a log file dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies', logFilePath = '/my/log file/path') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Import studies from a set of folders - do not allow to overwrite # existing study data in the database, follow the progress dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies', verbose = TRUE) # Import studies from another set of folders - allow to overwrite existing # study data in the database dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/project123/studies', overwrite = TRUE) # Import studies from a set of folders , save the status of each study load # in a log file dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies', logFilePath = '/my/log file/path') ## End(Not run)
Close database session and disconnect from open database.
dbToken |
Mandatory |
No return value, called for side effects
## Not run: disconnectDB() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: disconnectDB() ## End(Not run)
Executes an encapsulated Shiny which to query, visualize and extract historical control data from a SEND database.
dbToken |
Mandatory - token for the open database connection |
The function does not return anything, but it is possible to extract data from the app in different formats to use for further processing
## Not run: dbToken <- initEnvironment(dbType='sqlite', dbPath='/path/to/database/send.db') execSendDashboard(dbToken) disconnectDB(dbToken) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: dbToken <- initEnvironment(dbType='sqlite', dbPath='/path/to/database/send.db') execSendDashboard(dbToken) disconnectDB(dbToken) ## End(Not run)
Create json file for vocabulary mappings. Keys are synonyms and values are the CDISC Controlled Terminology Submission values. Vocabularies are defined by column values from the tab-delimited files.
gen_vocab(in_file, out_path)
gen_vocab(in_file, out_path)
in_file |
Mandatory. |
out_path |
Mandatory. |
No return value, called for side effects
## Not run: gen_vocab(list(infile1, infile2),jsonfile) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: gen_vocab(list(infile1, infile2),jsonfile) ## End(Not run)
The function executes a SQL select statements in the database and returns the fetched set of rows as a data.table.
genericQuery(dbToken, queryString, queryParams = NULL)
genericQuery(dbToken, queryString, queryParams = NULL)
dbToken |
Mandatory |
queryString |
Mandatory, character. |
queryParams |
Optional, character. |
Data.table with the set of fetched rows
## Not run: genericQuery(dbToken, 'select studyid, tsseq, tsgrpid, tsparmcd, tsval from ts') genericQuery(dbToken, 'select studyid, tsval from ts where tsparmcd = "SDESIGN" and studyid in (:1)', list("1234546","222333","444555")) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: genericQuery(dbToken, 'select studyid, tsseq, tsgrpid, tsparmcd, tsval from ts') genericQuery(dbToken, 'select studyid, tsval from ts where tsparmcd = "SDESIGN" and studyid in (:1)', list("1234546","222333","444555")) ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with a list of animals belonging to the groups for
negative control in the given list of studies.
getControlSubj(dbToken, studyList, inclUncertain = FALSE)
getControlSubj(dbToken, studyList, inclUncertain = FALSE)
dbToken |
Mandatory. |
studyList |
Mandatory, data.table. |
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
The set of animals contains all animals from DM where the SETCD is associated with a TX parameter 'TCNTRL'. Negative control animals are further defined by
either containing a word from a set of words, to automatically distinguish it as a negative control:
['placebo', 'untreated', 'sham']
or containing a combination of a word from of two lists:
['negative', 'saline', 'peg', 'vehicle', 'citrate', 'dextrose', 'water', 'air']
['item', 'control', 'article']
Animals are in all cases excluded (i.e. whether inclUncertain=TRUE
) from the output set, when they are identified as
positive control animals - i.e. they are associated with a TX parameter
'TCNTRL' containing a word from this set of words:
The age in days at reference start date is calculated for each animal based on the age related variables in DM:
If BRTHDTC is populated compute DM.RFSTDTC – DM.BRTHDTC + 1
Else If AGE is populated convert from units specified in AGEU to days.
Else If AGETXT is populated convert the mid-point of the range from
units specified in AGEU to days.
These AGEU units are handled with the described conversion from value to
number of days:
WEEKS : value * 7
MONTHS : value * 365/12
YEARS : value * 365
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, uncertain animals are included
in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in
TX parameter 'TCNTRL' is missing
TXVAL for TX parameter 'TCNTRL' cannot be identified as Negative or Positive control according to the algorithm described above
The function return a data.table with columns:
STUDYID (character)
Additional columns contained in the studyList
TCNTRL (character)
The value of the TX parameter TCNTRL which is used for identification
of whether it is a negative control group or not
USUBJID (character)
RFSTDTC (character)
DM_AGEDAYS (integer)
The calculated age in days of the animal at the reference start day
- i.e. the age registered in DM.
DSDECOD (character)
The standardized disposition term for the animal
DS_AGEDAYS (integer)
The calculated age in days of the animal at the disposition
NO_AGE_MSG (character)
Empty or contains the reason if a DM_AGEDAYS couldn't be calculated
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
Contains the reason for an uncertain animal is NA for rows for
confident identified negative control animals.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included if the column is included in data table specified in
## Not run: controlAnimals <- getControlSubj(myDbToken, allSTudies) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: controlAnimals <- getControlSubj(myDbToken, allSTudies) ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the set of findings rows included in the
of the phase(s) specified in the phaseFilter
If the phaseFilter
is empty (null, na or empty string), all rows from
are returned with the an additional PHASE column.
getFindingsPhase( dbToken, findings, phaseFilter = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getFindingsPhase( dbToken, findings, phaseFilter = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory |
findings |
Mandatory, data.table.
where domain is the name of the actual findings domain - e.g. LBSEQ and LBDTC |
phaseFilter |
Optional, character. |
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
noFilterReportUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
The logic for the extraction is based on the subject elements and the trial design domains - for each finding row:
The related subject element is found in SE as the row where the value of domainDTC is within the interval from SESTDTC to SEENDTC
The actual EPOCH is found in TA in the row matching the found element (via the ETCD value)
The actual study phase is derived from the EPOCH value matching at set of text patterns
For pooled findings rows - i.e. POOLID is populated instead of USUBJID - the phase is identified per animal included in the each pool and finding, and if all identified phases are equal per pool and finding, the identified phase are returned per pool and finding.
The populated value of a phase is one of:
If TA.EPOCH fulfills one:
contains 'pre' followed by one of ['treat','trt','dos',test','study','exposure']
contains one of ['acclimat','screen','baseline','allocat','random']
If TA.EPOCH doesn't fulfill the pattern for 'Screening' and fulfills one
contains 'recovery'
contains 'post' followed by one of ['treat','trt','dos','test','study','exposure']
If TA.EPOCH doesn't fulfill the patterns for 'Screening' or 'Recovery'
and fulfills both:
contains one of ['treat','trt','dos','test','exposure']
does not contain any of ['off','non'|','free'|','holiday']
If the TA.EPOCH is empty or does not fulfills any of the requirements
described for the three phases above.
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, findings rows where the phase
cannot be confidently identified are included in the output set. These
uncertain situations are identified and reported (in column UNCERTAIN_MSG):
One of the date/time values SESTDTC, SEENDTC or domainDTC is empty or contains an invalid ISO 8601 value
The value of domainDTC is included in more then one SESTDTC/SEENDTC interval
The EPOCH value does not match any of the patterns identifying the set of possible study phases.
Different phases have been identified for individual subjects in a pool for a given finding
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
is empty and noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
The function returns a data.table with columns in this order:
All columns contained in the findings
input table (original
order except optional UNCERTAIN_MSG and NOT_VALID_MSG)
PHASE (character)
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
In case the phase cannot be confidently matched during the
filtering of data, the column contains an indication of the reason.
If any uncertainties have been identified for individual subjects included in
pools for pooled finding rows, all messages for subjects per pool/findings
are merged together and reported as one message per pool/finding.
Is NA for rows where phase can be confidently matched.
A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the input set of findings
specified in findings
- separated by '|'.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the phase cannot be confidently decided, the column
contains an indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where phase can be confidently decided.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of findings
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: # Extract LB rows for the Treatment phase - include uncertain rows getFindingsPhase(dbToken, lb, phaseFilter = 'Treatment', inclUncertain = TRUE) # No filtering, just add PHASE to FW rows - do not include messages when # the phase cannot be confidently identified getFindingsPhase(dbToken, fw, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Extract LB rows for the Treatment phase - include uncertain rows getFindingsPhase(dbToken, lb, phaseFilter = 'Treatment', inclUncertain = TRUE) # No filtering, just add PHASE to FW rows - do not include messages when # the phase cannot be confidently identified getFindingsPhase(dbToken, fw, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the set of findings rows included in the
where the age of subjects at finding time is within the
interval specified in fromAge
to fromAge
If the fromAge
and fromAge
are empty (null, na or empty
string), all rows from findings
are returned.
getFindingsSubjAge( dbToken, findings, animalList, fromAge = NULL, toAge = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getFindingsSubjAge( dbToken, findings, animalList, fromAge = NULL, toAge = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory |
findings |
Mandatory, data.table.
where |
animalList |
Mandatory, data.table.
fromAge |
Optional, character
The unit is case-insensitive, space(s) between age value and unit is allowed. |
toAge |
Optional. character |
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
noFilterReportUncertain |
Optional, boolean. |
In both situation, the subject age at finding time is calculated into an
additional column AGEDAYS
for each row in findings
with the the additional input data.table animalList
using this
Determine the number of study days between study start and findings
if findings.[domain]DY
is populated
If findings.[domain]DY > 0
then use
findings.[domain]DY - 1
Else use findings.[domain]DY
Else If findings.[domain]DTC
is populated compute
animalList.RFSTDTC – findings.[domain]DTC
in days
is each subject's reference start date
Animal age at time of finding is then calculated as
animalList.AGEDAYS + [study days between study start and
where animalList.AGEDAYS
is the subject age at reference
start date(calculated during extraction of control subjects in
For pooled findings rows - i.e. POOLID is populated instead of USUBJID - the animal age at time of finding is calculated per animal included in the each pool and finding.
If all calculated ages are equal within a pool and finding, the calculated age is populated for this pool/finding.
If all calculated ages are within the same time internal (2 days) within a pool and finding, the minimum calculated age plus 1 day is populated for this pool/finding.
If both fromAge
and toAge
values are specified - all the rows
from the input table findings
where value of the calculated
is within the interval of the specified start/end age interval
are returned - including the values equal to the start/end age values.
If only a fromAge
value is specified - all the rows from the input
table findings
where value of AGEDYAS
equal to or greater than
the input age are returned.
If only a toAge
value is specified - all the rows from input table
where value of AGEDAYS is equal to or less than the input age
are extracted and returned.
The input age value(s) is/are converted to days before extraction of rows
from the input data tables using the input value(s) as filter - using this
WEEKS : value * 7
MONTHS : value * 365/12
YEARS : value * 365
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, findings rows where the age at
finding time cannot be confidently identified are included in the output set.
These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in column
No age at reference time has been calculated for subject
Reference start time is missing or contains invalid ISO8601 date
value for subject (animalList.RFSTDTC
Missing [domain]DY
value and missing or invalid ISO8601 date
value for finding
For pooled findings:
More than two days between minimum and maximum of
for the set of animals in a pool.
Different values in animalList.RFSTDTC
for the set of
animals in a pool.
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG
and fromAge
are empty and noFilterReportUncertain
The function returns a data.table with columns in this order:
All columns contained in the findings
input table (original
order except optional UNCERTAIN_MSG
The subject age at finding time calculated in days. Is NA
if thge age
cannot be confidently calculated.
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
In case the age at finding time cannot be confidently matched during the
filtering of data, the column contains an indication of the reason.
If any uncertainties have been identified for individual subjects included in
pools for pooled finding rows, one message for is reported per pool/finding.
Is NA for rows where the age at finding time can be confidently matched.
value generated by this function is merged with
values which may exist in the input set of findings
specified in findings
- separated by '|'.
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the age at finding time cannot be confidently calculated, the column
contains an indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where age at finding time can be confidently calculated.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG
value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG
values which may exist in the input set of findings
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: # Extract LB rows for the animals at age between 8 and 12 weeks at finding # time - include uncertain rows getFindingsSubjAge(dbToken = db, findings = lb, animalList = animals, fromAge = '8w', toAge = '12w', inclUncertain = TRUE) # No filtering, just add AGEDAYS to FW rows - do not include messages when # the AGEDAYS cannot be confidently identified getFindingsSubjAge(dbToken = db, findings = fw, animalList = animals, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Extract LB rows for the animals at age between 8 and 12 weeks at finding # time - include uncertain rows getFindingsSubjAge(dbToken = db, findings = lb, animalList = animals, fromAge = '8w', toAge = '12w', inclUncertain = TRUE) # No filtering, just add AGEDAYS to FW rows - do not include messages when # the AGEDAYS cannot be confidently identified getFindingsSubjAge(dbToken = db, findings = fw, animalList = animals, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the list of study ids from TS where the value of
TSVAL for the TSPARMCD 'SDESIGN' is equal to a given study design.
If the studyDesignFilter
is empty (null, na or empty string) - all
rows for the TSPARMCD 'SDESIGN' are returned.
getStudiesSDESIGN( dbToken, studyList = NULL, studyDesignFilter = NULL, exclusively = TRUE, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getStudiesSDESIGN( dbToken, studyList = NULL, studyDesignFilter = NULL, exclusively = TRUE, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory. |
studyList |
Optional, data.table. |
studyDesignFilter |
Mandatory, character. The study design to use as criterion for filtering of the study id values. It can be a single string, a vector or a list of multiple strings. |
exclusively |
Mandatory, boolean.
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
noFilterReportUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean |
Extracts the set of studies from TS where the value of TSVAL for the TSPARMCD
'SDESIGN' is equal to a given study design.
The comparison of study design values are done case insensitive.
If a data table with a list of studies is specified in studyList
, only
the subset of studies included in that set is processed.
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, uncertain animals are included
in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in
without any row for TSPARMCD='SDESIGN' or
TSVAL doesn't contain a value included in the CDISC CT list 'DESIGN' for TSPARMCD='SDESIGN' (case insensitive comparison)
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
is empty and noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
The function returns a data.table with columns:
STUDYID (character)
Additional columns contained in the studyList
table (if such
an input table is given)
SDESIGN (character)
If multiple TSPARMCD 'SDESIGN' values are extracted for a studies, all the
values are merged into a comma separated string.
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
Contains indication of whether STSTDTC is missing or has wrong
Is NA for rows where SDESIGN is valid.
A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the optional input set of
studies specified in studyList
- separated by '|'.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the SDESIGN cannot be confidently decided, the column contains an
indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where SDESIGN can be confidently decided.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of studies
specified in studyList
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: GetStudyListSDESIGN(myDbToken, 'PARALLEL') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: GetStudyListSDESIGN(myDbToken, 'PARALLEL') ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the list of study ids from TS where the value of
TSVAL for the TSPARMCD 'STSTDTC' is within a a given date interval.
If the fromDTC
are empty (null, na or empty string)
all rows for the TSPARMCD 'STSTDTC' are returned.
getStudiesSTSTDTC( dbToken, studyList = NULL, fromDTC = NULL, toDTC = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getStudiesSTSTDTC( dbToken, studyList = NULL, fromDTC = NULL, toDTC = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory. |
studyList |
Optional. |
fromDTC |
Optional (either or both of |
toDTC |
Optional (either or both of |
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
noFilterReportUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean |
Extracts the set of study ids from TS where the value of TSVAL for the
TSPARMCD 'STSTDTC' falls within a specified start/end date interval in IS8601
format (input parameters fromDTC
Both complete and incomplete input start/end dates can be handled.
If only a year is specified - the date set to the first of January that year.
If only a year and month is specified - the date set to the first day in that month.
If a time part is included in a specified input start/end date, it is ignored.
If both a start and end input date are specified - all the STUDYID values
from TS where TSVAL for TSPARMCD 'STSTDTC' is with the interval of the
specified start/end date interval are extracted and returned - including the
values equal to the start/end dates. are included.
If only a start input date is specified - all the STUDYID values from TS
where TSVAL for TSPARMCD 'STSTDTC' is equal to or later than the input date
are extracted and returned.
If only an end date is specified - all the STUDYID values from TS where TSVAL
for TSPARMCD 'STSTDTC' is equal to or earlier than the are date are extracted
and returned.
If a data table with a list of studies is specified in studyList
, only
the subset of studies included in that set is processed.
If input inclUncertain
is TRUE, uncertain studies are included in the
output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in column
TS contains now row for TSPARMCD='STSTDTC'
TSVAL contains an invalid ISO8601 date format for TSPARMCD='STSTDTC'
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
and toDTC
are empty and
The function return a data.table with columns:
STUDYID (character)
Additional columns contained in the studyList
table (if such an input
table is given)
STSTDTC (character - ISO8601 format)
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Only included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
Contains indication of whether STSTDTC is missing of has wrong
Is NA for rows where SDESIGN is valid.
A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the optional input set of
studies specified in studyList
- separated by '|'.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the STSTDTC cannot be confidently decided, the column contains an
indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where STSTDTC can be confidently decided.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of studies
specified in studyList
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: GetStudyListSTSTDTC(myDbToken, allSTudies, '2018','2020') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: GetStudyListSTSTDTC(myDbToken, allSTudies, '2018','2020') ## End(Not run)
Extracts and returns all rows from the specified domain
for the set
of subjects included in animalList
getSubjData(dbToken, animalList, domain, colList = NULL)
getSubjData(dbToken, animalList, domain, colList = NULL)
dbToken |
Mandatory |
animalList |
Mandatory, data.table. |
domain |
Mandatory, character, not case sensitive. |
colList |
Optional, character, not case sensitive. |
The function returns a data.table with all the rows for the animals
included in animalList
If no columns have been specified in colList
, all the columns in
the table colList
are included.
If a list of columns have been specified in colList
, these are
included. In addition, a set of columns are always included, whether they
are included in colList
or not:
To ensure each row can be uniquely identified:
POOLID (if it exists)
domainSEQ (if it exists)
For finding tables - to support age calculation and evaluation of study phase:
The order of the columns are as they are defined for the domain in the
The data table contains both
subject level data - i.e. rows where USUBJID is not empty
if applicable for the domain
, pool level data - i.e. rows
where POOLID is not empty.
In this case, all pools, which includes any of the subjects included in
, are included
## Not run: # Extract all columns from DM: getSubjData(myDbToken, myControlAnimals, 'dm') # Extract selected columns from LB: getSubjData(myDbToken, myControlAnimals, 'LB', list('LBTESTCD', 'LBCAT', 'LBSTRESC', 'LBSTRESN', 'LBSTRESU', 'LBSTAT', 'LBREASND', 'LBTPT')) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Extract all columns from DM: getSubjData(myDbToken, myControlAnimals, 'dm') # Extract selected columns from LB: getSubjData(myDbToken, myControlAnimals, 'LB', list('LBTESTCD', 'LBCAT', 'LBSTRESC', 'LBSTRESN', 'LBSTRESU', 'LBSTAT', 'LBREASND', 'LBTPT')) ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the set of animals included in the
matching the route of administration specified in the
If the routeFilter
is empty (null, na or empty string) - all rows from
are returned with an additional populated ROUTE column.
getSubjRoute( dbToken, animalList, routeFilter = NULL, exclusively = FALSE, matchAll = FALSE, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getSubjRoute( dbToken, animalList, routeFilter = NULL, exclusively = FALSE, matchAll = FALSE, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory |
animalList |
Mandatory, data.table. |
routeFilter |
Optional, character. |
exclusively |
Mandatory if
matchAll |
Mandatory if
inclUncertain |
Mandatory if |
noFilterReportUncertain |
Mandatory if |
The route of administration per animal are identified by a hierarchical lookup in these domains
EX - If a distinct not empty EXROUTE value is found for animal, this
is included in the output.
TS - if a distinct TS parameter 'ROUTE' value exists for the study,
this is included in the output.
The comparison of route values is done case insensitive and trimmed for leading/trailing blanks.
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, uncertain animals are included
in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in
TS parameter ROUTE is missing for study and no EX rows contain a EXROUTE value for the animal
The selected EXROUTE or TS parameter ROUTE value is invalid (not CT value - CDISC SEND code list ROUTE)
Multiple EXROUTE values have been found for the animal
Multiple TS parameter ROUTE values are registered for study but no EX rows contain a EXROUTE value for the animal
The found EXROUTE value for animal is not included in the TS parameter ROUTE value(s) registered for study
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
is empty and noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
The function returns a data.table with columns:
STUDYID (character)
Additional columns contained in the animalList
ROUTE (character)
The value is always returned in uppercase and trimmed for leading/trailing
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
In case the ROUTE cannot be confidently matched during the filtering of data,
the column contains an indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where ROUTE can be confidently matched.
A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
specified in animalList
- separated by '|'.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the ROUTE cannot be confidently decided, the column contains an
indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where the ROUTE can be confidently decided.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: # Extract animals administered oral or oral gavage plus uncertain animals getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, routeFilter = c('ORAL', 'ORAL GAVAGE'), inclUncertain = TRUE) # Extract animals administered oral or oral gavage. # Do only include studies which include both route values getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, routeFilter = c('ORAL', 'ORAL GAVAGE'), matchAll = TRUE) # Extract animals administered subcutaneous. # Include only animals from studies which do not contain other route values getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, routeFilter = 'subcutaneous', exclusively = TRUE) # No filtering, just add ROUTE - do not include messages when # these values cannot be confidently found getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Extract animals administered oral or oral gavage plus uncertain animals getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, routeFilter = c('ORAL', 'ORAL GAVAGE'), inclUncertain = TRUE) # Extract animals administered oral or oral gavage. # Do only include studies which include both route values getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, routeFilter = c('ORAL', 'ORAL GAVAGE'), matchAll = TRUE) # Extract animals administered subcutaneous. # Include only animals from studies which do not contain other route values getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, routeFilter = 'subcutaneous', exclusively = TRUE) # No filtering, just add ROUTE - do not include messages when # these values cannot be confidently found getSubjRoute(dbToken, controlAnimals, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the set of animals included in the
of the sex specified in the sexFilter
If the sexFilter
is empty (null, na or empty string) - all rows from
are returned with the an additional populated SEX column.
getSubjSex( dbToken, animalList, sexFilter = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getSubjSex( dbToken, animalList, sexFilter = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory |
animalList |
Mandatory, data.table. |
sexFilter |
Optional, character. |
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
noFilterReportUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
The sex value is decided from the DM.SEX variable.
The comparison of DM.SEX with the given value(s) in sexFilter
is done
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, uncertain animals are included
in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in
The DM.SEX value is empty or invalid (not CT value - CDISC codelist SEX - case insensitive comparison)
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
is empty and noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
The function returns a data.table with columns:
STUDYID (character)
Additional columns contained in the animalList
SEX (character)
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
In case the sex cannot be confidently matched during the filtering of data,
the column contains an indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where SEX can be confidently matched.
A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
specified in animalList
- separated by '|'.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the sex cannot be confidently decided, the column contains an
indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where sex can be confidently decided.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: getSubjSex(myDbToken, controlAnimals, 'M') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: getSubjSex(myDbToken, controlAnimals, 'M') ## End(Not run)
Returns a data table with the set of animals included in the
matching the species and strain specified in the
and strainFilter
If the speciesFilter
and strainFilter
are empty (null, na or
empty string) - all rows from animalList
are returned with additional
populated SPECIES and STRAIN columns.
getSubjSpeciesStrain( dbToken, animalList, speciesFilter = NULL, strainFilter = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, exclusively = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
getSubjSpeciesStrain( dbToken, animalList, speciesFilter = NULL, strainFilter = NULL, inclUncertain = FALSE, exclusively = FALSE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE )
dbToken |
Mandatory |
animalList |
Mandatory, data.table. |
speciesFilter |
Optional, character. |
strainFilter |
Optional, character. |
inclUncertain |
Mandatory, boolean. |
exclusively |
Mandatory, boolean.
noFilterReportUncertain |
Optional, boolean. |
The species and strain per animal respectively are identified by a hierarchical lookup in these domains
DM - If the DM.SPECIES (DM.STRAIN) isn't empty, this value is
included in the output.
TX - if a TX parameter 'SPECIES' ('STRAIN') exists for the group
related to the animal, the TXVAL value for this is included in the
TS - if a TS parameter 'SPECIES' ('STRAIN') exists, this is included
in the output.
The comparisons of species/strain values is done case insensitive and trimmed for leading/trailing blanks.
If input parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
, uncertain animals are included
in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported for
SPECIES and STRAIN respectively (in column UNCERTAIN_MSG):
TS parameter SPECIES/STRAIN is missing or invalid (not CT value - CDISC SEND code list SPECIES/STRAIN) and TX parameter SPECIES/STRAIN is missing or invalid (not CT value) and DM.SPECIES/STRAIN is missing or invalid (not CT value)
Different values of SPECIES/STRAIN across TS, TX and DM for studies where no or only one TS parameter SPECIES/STRAIN is registered
Multiple TS parameter SPECIES/STRAIN values are registered for study and TX parameter SPECIES/STRAIN and/or DM.SPECIES/STRAIN do not match any of the TS values.
Multiple TS parameter SPECIES/STRAIN values are registered for study and TX parameter SPECIES/STRAIN and DM.SPECIES/STRAIN are unequal.
The same checks are performed and reported in column NOT_VALID_MSG if
and strainFilter
are empty and
The function returns a data.table with columns:
STUDYID (character)
Additional columns contained in the animalList
SPECIES (character) The value is always returned in uppercase and trimmed for leading/trailing blanks.
STRAIN (character) The value is always returned in uppercase and trimmed for leading/trailing blanks.
UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)
Included when parameter inclUncertain=TRUE
In case the species or strain cannot be confidently matched during the
filtering of data, the column contains an indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where species and strain can be confidently matched.
A non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty UNCERTAIN_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
specified in animalList
- separated by '|'.
NOT_VALID_MSG (character)
Included when parameter noFilterReportUncertain=TRUE
In case the species or strain cannot be confidently decided, the column
contains an indication of the reason.
Is NA for rows where species and strain can be confidently decided.
A non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG value generated by this function is merged with
non-empty NOT_VALID_MSG values which may exist in the input set of animals
- separated by '|'.
## Not run: # Extract rats and mice plus uncertain animals getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, speciesFilter = c('RAT', 'MOUSE'), inclUncertain = TRUE) # Extract Spargue-Dawley rats plus uncertain animals. # Include only animals from studies which do not contain other species or # strains getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, speciesFilter = 'RAT', strainFilter = 'SPRAGUE-DAWLEY', inclUncertain = TRUE, exclusively = TRUE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE) # Extract Wistar rats and and Beagle dogs - and no uncertain animals getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, speciesFilter = c('RAT', 'DOG'), strainFilter = c('RAT: WISTAR', 'DOG: BEAGLE')) # No filtering, just add SPECIES and STRAIN - do not include messages when # these values cannot be confidently found getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Extract rats and mice plus uncertain animals getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, speciesFilter = c('RAT', 'MOUSE'), inclUncertain = TRUE) # Extract Spargue-Dawley rats plus uncertain animals. # Include only animals from studies which do not contain other species or # strains getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, speciesFilter = 'RAT', strainFilter = 'SPRAGUE-DAWLEY', inclUncertain = TRUE, exclusively = TRUE, noFilterReportUncertain = TRUE) # Extract Wistar rats and and Beagle dogs - and no uncertain animals getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, speciesFilter = c('RAT', 'DOG'), strainFilter = c('RAT: WISTAR', 'DOG: BEAGLE')) # No filtering, just add SPECIES and STRAIN - do not include messages when # these values cannot be confidently found getSubjSpeciesStrain(dbToken, controlAnimals, noFilterReportUncertain = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Get labels for columns in a data.table
table |
Mandatory |
A named vector with each column/label pair. If a column have no defined label, the label is 'na'
## Not run: colLabels = getTabColLabels(controlAnimalsAll) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: colLabels = getTabColLabels(controlAnimalsAll) ## End(Not run)
Open or create a SEND database and return a token for the open database connection.
initEnvironment( dbType = NULL, dbPath = NULL, dbHost = NULL, dbCreate = FALSE, dbUser = NULL, dbPwd = NULL, dbPort = NULL, dbSchema = NULL, ctFile = NULL )
initEnvironment( dbType = NULL, dbPath = NULL, dbHost = NULL, dbCreate = FALSE, dbUser = NULL, dbPwd = NULL, dbPort = NULL, dbSchema = NULL, ctFile = NULL )
dbType |
Mandatory, character
dbPath |
Mandatory, character |
dbHost |
Optional, character Add param for port number |
dbCreate |
Mandatory, boolean |
dbUser |
Mandatory, character - if login credentials are required for the
specific db type |
dbPwd |
Mandatory, character - if login credentials are required for the
specific db type |
dbPort |
Optional, character? |
dbSchema |
Optional, character |
ctFile |
Optional, character. Add param for host/server |
If the function is executed with parameter dbCreate=FALSE
a connection to the specified database is opened. Dependent of the type of
database (parameter dbType
), a login using specified user credentials
(parameters dbUser
and dbPwd
) may be done.
The database must contain a set of tables representing the SEND domains
compliant with SEND IG version 3.0 and/on 3.1.
If the function is executed with parameter dbCreate=TRUE
, an empty
database is created and opened. This is only supported for a SQLite database,
i.e., parameter dbType='sqlite'
. The SEND domain tables may then be
created by execution of the function dbCreateSchema
Besides the open database connection, a set of CDISC SEND controlled
terminology values are imported. If parameter ctFile
is specified with
a path to an Excel file containing a CDISC SEND ct version downloaded from
https://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/CDISC/SEND/, the content
from this file is imported and used by some of the package's functions.
Else a set of CDISC SEND CT values which are included in the packages is
used by the package's functions. It's the newest CDISC SEND CT version at the
time of the build of the current version of the package which is included.
The function returns a token which is a data structure describing the open database connection. This token must be given as input parameter to all functions accessing the actual database.
## Not run: db <- initEnvironment(dbType='sqlite', dbPath='//servername/SendData/db/send.db', ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls') db <- initEnvironment(dbType='oracle', dbPath='dbserver:1521/send_db', dbUser='ME', dbPwd='mypassword', dbSchema = 'send', ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls') db <- initEnvironment(dbType='postgresql', dbPath='send_db_name', dbHost='dbserver', dbUser='ME', dbPwd='mypassword', dbPort='5432', ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: db <- initEnvironment(dbType='sqlite', dbPath='//servername/SendData/db/send.db', ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls') db <- initEnvironment(dbType='oracle', dbPath='dbserver:1521/send_db', dbUser='ME', dbPwd='mypassword', dbSchema = 'send', ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls') db <- initEnvironment(dbType='postgresql', dbPath='send_db_name', dbHost='dbserver', dbUser='ME', dbPwd='mypassword', dbPort='5432', ctFile='//servername/SendData/metadata/SEND_Terminology_2019-12-27.xls') ## End(Not run)
Standardizes SEND xpt files using CDISC controlled terminologies
standardize_file(input_xpt_dir, output_xpt_dir, json_file)
standardize_file(input_xpt_dir, output_xpt_dir, json_file)
input_xpt_dir |
Mandatory. |
output_xpt_dir |
Mandatory. |
json_file |
Mandatory. |
No return value, called for side effects